As part of my Master’s degree, my class and I organized and set up Interspect, a week-long exhibition held in Penryn, where I also showcased my project: The Emotional Weather Forecast
My project was an interactive, immersive installation that visualises the emotional climate of social media interactions, encouraging critical reflection on the impact of digital spaces on our emotional well-being and sense of self.
You would enter a tweet with our hashtag on twitter, and it would display it on the screen, matching the emotion of your tweet with the weather background.

"My project is an interactive media installation that explores the negative impact of social media on the sense of self and ego, drawing inspiration from the concept of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). By incorporating various theoretical frameworks from fields such as psychology, sociology, and communication studies, the project aims to create a comprehensive understanding of the issue. In particular, the psychological theories of Melanie Klein's Theory of Internal Objects and Donald Winnicott's The False Self will be utilised to provide deeper insight into the complexities of self-presentation and identity.
Using pre-existing data nodes, such as studies on social media use and mental health, the installation will provide a compelling and impactful information experience for the viewer. The presentation of the installation will be inspired by the existence of multiple selves in DID, showcasing how social media can fragment our sense of self.
Through visual and auditory cues, the audience will be immersed in an exploration of how technology affects mental well-being, self-esteem, and self-presentation, encouraging critical engagement with the concept of the self in the digital age. With the integration of these theoretical frameworks, the project aims to offer a thought-provoking and engaging experience for viewers."